Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Just a simple note

Okay I admit it. It is HARD to keep in touch with you all, and considering my circumstances now, I cannot promise you updates until next month (well I didn't even know if you are really expecting an update from me >_>)
Anyway I fixed the header.. It looks much nicer now :) Please fill the poll on the right side, I really want to know what you guys think of the header. Is it good? Bad? Leave you comments. Also I'm going to start my holiday tomorrow! Things will be a lot better if I had unlimited internet though *sobs*
Maybe that's all for now. I still want to fix that banner code in the home page, and move my chatbox to the right side so you guys won't spend time to scrol the page until it's finished. Hope you will like it better.

Ja ne!

Blue Mist
P.S. That guy Break or something like that in Pandora Hearts is damn similar to Undertaker in Kuroshitsuji D: I just realized when I watched last evening. Then who differs them is just their haircut, or so I thought
P.P.S. I forgot which one is Rebecca Catalina in FMA. Anyone of you know? Please link me to a picture, I'm really curious!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

~(- -~) A Lazy Morning alias Pagi yang Malas (~- -)~

Good morning everyone.. Today I'm going to write in Indonesian because I think it is necessary to write in my mother tongue once in a while.. so here it is :D

Selamat pagi semuanyaaaaa *hoahem* Aduh buset ngantuk banget pagi ini. Yaah juga namanya hari Minggu, ga masalah kan kalo misalnya saya bangun telatan dikit? (ngeles)
Pagi ini saya cuman tidur-tiduran di kamar dan pegang hape buat baca fanfic. Ah nikmatnya bantal dan guling.. Kemudian saya bangun, nyalakan komputer. Ngedit banner blog ini yang adaa aja yang perlu diubah lagi. Header blog ini aja masih mau saya edit lagi. Jadi mohon maaf ya, anggep aja dekor-dekor blog ini masih tahap beta.. Kalo mau komen silakan, saya amat menghargai komen anda sekalian :D Tapi yang jujur ya.. kalo bisa ngritik malah lebih baik :)
Setelah it saya melangkah keluar karena dipanggil makan. Selesai makan langsunglah saya duduk manis di sebelah papi yang lagi pake netbook, kayak kucing ngarep dielus aja.. Padahal gua kan ngarep boleh dipinjemin netbook, hohoho. Nah lo bahsa nulisnya ganti lagi >_>
Akhirnya setelah nunggu 15 menit dikasih juga.. Langsung tanpa malu-malu langsung buka 5 tab, satu Blogger, Plurk, FB, Mafia Wars, sama blog saya sendiri :P Papi ama mami yang lagi di belakang cuman bisa geleng-geleng kepala...

Ahiya, harus ngerjain tugas CW kemudian ngeburn.. Males deh sebenernya, ga usah dikumpul ya paaak /otl Benernya tugasnya kurang 2 aja, dan emang tugasnya cuman suruh ngikutin petunjuknya dia cara ngedit di photoshop. Tetep dong tapi yang paling enak ya ngedit2 sendiri. Coba misalnya udah ngikutin petunjuknya tapi hasilnya gak sama.. kan mesti ngulang lagi.. yah walaupun sebenernya kalo ngedit sendiri juga gitu sih :P Dan lagi, kayanya sekarang blog saya jadi terkesan anime gitu ya.. abis banner, header ama backgroundnya manga en anime smua. Apa cuman saya yang ngrasa begitu? Mohon maklum saya emang agak aneh dan gak nyambung kalo ngomong.. Lagi satuu.. kalo kalian penggemar Royai alias Roy Mustang paired dengan Riza Hawkeye di Full Metal Alchemist, coba deh baca fanfiction di FanFiction.Net: Unleash Your Imagination untuk pairing ini dengan nama author MoonStarDutchess. Aku nggak kenal orangnya secara langsung maupun maya, tapi aku seneng sama gaya nulisnya. Emang sih kadang OOC, but all and all ceritanya sweet :D Silakan dicoba kalo berminat (kayak sales aja)
Tha't all for now. Ga tau ya besok saya nulis pake bahasa Inggris lagi ato tetep Indonesia..

Ja ne!

Blue Mist

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Internet Cafe...

Finally :D I'm in the internet cafe now XD The keyboard is a little bit uncomfortable, and I often end up typing the wrong words >_> but as long as there's internet I'm happy :)
I'm now downloading Full Metal Alchemist 2. I can't do it at home because as I said before... my quota is already down to zero =A= It's quite troublesome really. Yesterday I was online with my SIM card right? After I checked out my fees, I used IDR 14.000. That like 1.4 US$. It's quite much for me.. but I didn't mind. And yes the fees for internet are still too expensive for us in Indonesia. Of course there are some cheap ones, but they didn't give the better service either. So it's just a matter of time when we will get cheaper internet fees =_=

In the internet cafe I used near my school, the fee is quite cheap, IDR 3.000 or just about 0.3 US$ per hour. I have to use my own money of course, my parents won't let me go here =3=
I already watched Nodame Cantabile: Paris Hen. Finally!! I can't stop screaming back there. After this I will watch Full Metal Alchemist which I just finished downloading. I can't wait for the next episode! Kuroshitsuji chapter 33 is already out 2 days ago actually, but I keep rereading it because it's just so cool :D I can imagine why the servants are that strong. For you who don't know Kuroshitsuji, it is a manga who's adapted to anime last year. It's about a butler named Sebastian Michaelis; actually a demon who servers the head of Phantomhive family, the 12-year old Ciel Phantomhive. Ciel made a contract with Sebastian that he will help Ciel to reach his goal. In order to do that in the end of contract Ciel must give his soul to be devoured by Sebastian.. The anime version is different with the manga, seeing that the manga is not yet finished. The anime is ended already, adding several original anime characters like Angela and Pluto. The face pictured in the anime is also different. In the manga, the queen is an old woman who is very cheery. Like a reverse of that version, the queen in the anime is more unsociable and wears a black veil. Okay, maybe enough with the preview (or either a jumping point of view about a film and comic =___=)

Maybe that's all for now. I already spend 2 hours in the internet cafe, and I have to go home soon or my mother will be suspicious.. Aw, this keyboard sucks!

Jane !

Blue Mist

Friday, May 22, 2009

The tests are over!!

Finally after some weeks that seems like years.. For us 3rd graders the tests are over XD
Oh wow I can't believe it's over already XD But well yeah, there's another problem right in front of my eyes.. I'm out of internet quota *sobs* And when it's the time for some freedom also! I can't download anything too because my father's SIM CARD that's usually used for browsing are now dead ( not being top upped). That sucks. Now I have to stay with my mobile or go to the nearby internet cafe at school. I cannot risk myself being scolded over hours of browsing or blogging or editing anything in that kind of place.

Anyway, any of you is familiar with Java scripts? I cannot edit anything until I get a Dreamweaver or something like that.. I'm stupid in that area.. Well not that I am capable of anything else >_>

Yeah, it seems that I'm jumping from English to Indonesian and back to English again. I'm sorry if it's inconvenient.. But I write based on my mood. So for Indonesian people it will be no trouble right? :P Anyway my offer still stands for the fanfiction idea because I'm still in the mood for writing :D From the LMM roleplaying is okay too..

Please somebody help me with CSS styles DX oTL I'm begging you :) all

Ja ne!

Blue Mist

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Once again sorry...

Oh my... since when is the last time I updated this blog? It sound like forever oTL

I'm sorry for anybody who has followed this blog so far (I doubt there are some) because I'm not updating for a looong time. My tests are killing me because I'm now in the 3rd grade, and that gives me a narrow option about being online and update this blog. I even don't have the chance to play online games anymore! *sobs

I already done the national examination and the (what the hell is the english for 'ujian praktek'?? It's like a project you have to do if you want to pass). So it's almost over! Wish me luck so I can get in into my favourite school :D 

Anyway my last test will be tomorrow and the subjects are Social Science and Arts. Well, I kinda want to watch Nodame Cantabile: Paris Hen first XD Man I'm such a lazy student

Oh yeah..  I already make an account in fanfiction.net but I haven't posted anything there. Yeaah, I don't have any idea actually what to write.. so If any of you had any suggestions for a storyline, fell free to talk about that with me and I may come up with a story based on that. My YM and MSN is sai_krenzz. I like to write, but I don't have any idea. That seems like kind of off isn't it? Well that's how my mind works sadly >_>

By the way, did anyone of you know about Soenda Street? It's really much alike with Facebook, but its Indonesian and have other tools such as ratings for how many points do you have by doing this and that, and personalize your profile (really I don't know if Facebook can do it too, so if anyone of you knows, please tell me). It's still a really new website, so do not expect too many people there. Me myself is still editing the CSS script while typing this post >_>. 

And last time on the 13th of May, my class is having an art show with B and C class :D There are plays, vocal group and modern dance which I joined in. Our show that day even gets the chance to be broadcasted by a local TV station XD I'm extremely happy although I didn't watch the progeam myself, my friend in Jakarta watched. Well really Natsuki is the one who're being told, I'm just a listener :P It's just that they didn't tell us when the program is airing so I'm a little bit disappointed because my family didn't get the chance to watch it.

I have so much to tell you really, about my grandmother is staying with me for a while now and other non important things that I want to share with you all. But sadly I have to log off now and take some serious studying =A=

Okay, take care and bye bye.. Ja ne!

Blue Mist