Saturday, May 23, 2009

Internet Cafe...

Finally :D I'm in the internet cafe now XD The keyboard is a little bit uncomfortable, and I often end up typing the wrong words >_> but as long as there's internet I'm happy :)
I'm now downloading Full Metal Alchemist 2. I can't do it at home because as I said before... my quota is already down to zero =A= It's quite troublesome really. Yesterday I was online with my SIM card right? After I checked out my fees, I used IDR 14.000. That like 1.4 US$. It's quite much for me.. but I didn't mind. And yes the fees for internet are still too expensive for us in Indonesia. Of course there are some cheap ones, but they didn't give the better service either. So it's just a matter of time when we will get cheaper internet fees =_=

In the internet cafe I used near my school, the fee is quite cheap, IDR 3.000 or just about 0.3 US$ per hour. I have to use my own money of course, my parents won't let me go here =3=
I already watched Nodame Cantabile: Paris Hen. Finally!! I can't stop screaming back there. After this I will watch Full Metal Alchemist which I just finished downloading. I can't wait for the next episode! Kuroshitsuji chapter 33 is already out 2 days ago actually, but I keep rereading it because it's just so cool :D I can imagine why the servants are that strong. For you who don't know Kuroshitsuji, it is a manga who's adapted to anime last year. It's about a butler named Sebastian Michaelis; actually a demon who servers the head of Phantomhive family, the 12-year old Ciel Phantomhive. Ciel made a contract with Sebastian that he will help Ciel to reach his goal. In order to do that in the end of contract Ciel must give his soul to be devoured by Sebastian.. The anime version is different with the manga, seeing that the manga is not yet finished. The anime is ended already, adding several original anime characters like Angela and Pluto. The face pictured in the anime is also different. In the manga, the queen is an old woman who is very cheery. Like a reverse of that version, the queen in the anime is more unsociable and wears a black veil. Okay, maybe enough with the preview (or either a jumping point of view about a film and comic =___=)

Maybe that's all for now. I already spend 2 hours in the internet cafe, and I have to go home soon or my mother will be suspicious.. Aw, this keyboard sucks!

Jane !

Blue Mist


Anonymous said...

waaaa.. padahal saia mau ikut DX
btw, saia mau shitsuji :3

Putri said...

:3 cepat ya internetnya di balinet?

Blue Mist said...

@Natsuki: iya cepat.. tapi kalo donlot dalam kondisi semua penuh cuman dapet 10kBps aja kira2

@Najika: Hei, anda tidak boleh punya shitsuji /ohckck