Saturday, June 11, 2011

Envy, Watch Out for It!

Envy, envy, envy. Bagi kalian yang pernah nonton Fullmetal Alchemist pasti ngga asing sama namanya. Ya, envy adalah satu dari Seven Deadly Sins atau tujuh dosa mematikan. Menurut Wikipedia, envy itu:
Envy (also called invidiousness) is best defined as an emotion that "occurs when a person lacks another's (perceived) superior quality, achievement, or possession and either desires it or wishes that the other lacked it."Envy can also derive from a sense of low self-esteem that results from an upward social comparison threatening a person's self image: another person has something that the envier considers to be important to have. If the other person is perceived to be similar to the envier, the aroused envy will be particularly intense, because it signals to the envier that it just as well could have been he or she who had the desired object.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

TV Commercials in Indonesia - You've Gone Too Far, Guys!

Hari ini, tumben-tumbennya aku membaca rubrik cerpen di koran, satu cerpen di koran Jawa Pos yang berjudul "Anakku Lahir Dari Rahim Televisi" oleh R. Giryadi. Dari judulnya saja kalian sudah bisa menebak kan, apa isi cerpen itu? Ya, cerpen itu menceritakan secara eksplisit bagaimana pengaruh televisi, terutama iklannya, bagi anak-anak kecil jaman sekarang. Ia menceritakan bagaimana seorang ayah berpikir akan pengaruh televisi yang sekarang semakin keterlaluan. Bagaimana berita-berita tentang kasus-kasus yang melibatkan anak-anak sebagai korban dikupas secara terbuka, bagaimana iklan di televisi penuh mempromosikan barang-barang yang serbainstan, bagaimana acara komedi semakin menjamur tanpa memedulikan apa yang mereka tertawakan dan apa yang mereka diskusikan, bagaimana para politikus berusaha mendulang pendukung, ditambah iklan yang selalu menyelingi. Acara-acara debat yang seringkali berujung pada debat kusir yang tidak jelas akhirnya, dan akhirnya adiksi akan televisi yang dialami anaknya, serta propaganda iklan yang mengena pada anak-anak.

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Ups and Downs of Life


Post ini mengandung CURHATAN, KEKESALAN, dan AMUKAN seorang remaja berumur 16 tahun. Kalian sudah diperingatkan. Bagi yang tidak ingin membaca silakan pindah ke post saya yang lain, atau tutup tabnya.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Quick Post About Vocaloids on Youtube

I'll make this quick. I've been browsing about Vocaloid MVs for 2 days, and here is my report on what did I see *dun dun dun dunn*

1. Ievan Polkka Megurine Luka version

This version, of course has Luka's softer voice and it gave a sweeter ring to it. I like this <3

2. Genie - SNSD Megurine Luka cover

I actually gaped at this. First because I didn't even know that these kind of thing exists, and second is that some of Vocaloid lovers are K-pop lovers too lol...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

XP Themes and how to use it

Have you ever thought of changing your XP theme to something different? Maybe themes with anime pictures? You can try this. Visit here to find some themes, mainly anime themes of course :D

The themes doesn't only contain images for your theme, but also the welcome tone and the shut down tone also :) 

After you download it.. how to use it? ...

Birth - Toyama Nao

Since I watched the series 2 seasons ago, I already felt that Nakagawa Kanon's seiyuu, Toyama Nao has the most sell-able voice out of other characters. I mean, she even sang many songs there. And although it's late, here it is~

  1. Date Of Birth
  2. Love Kanon
  3. Yes-today
  4. All 4 You
  5. Uraha Love
  6. Happy Crescent
  7. Omoi wa Rain Rain
  8. Love Call
  9. Darling Baby
  10. Birth

Friday, January 28, 2011

Megurine Luka - Corruption Garden

Hi! Happy belaaaated New Year for all of you! Anything good happened already this year?

Here I'm going to post and comment a little bit about another brilliant song of our lovely Vocaloid Megurine Luka made by Caz. The title is Corruption Garden. It was released in October last year, to tell the truth, but I just found it a few days... alright a few weeks ago and although it's late, I think it's worth to post.

Here's the video in Youtube, you can also view it in NicoNicoDouga

Here's the HD version, no subtitles though.

First of all, the artwork is reaaaaaaaaaal good. It's a 3D PV after all, note: Promotional Video. For Megurine Luka. Yays! The Broken English can't be helped though, the maker's not an English-born after all. There are maybe some confusion on the first lyrics. The music's done nicely, and I liked it since it's Luka, I don't mind the genre lols. I don't have a particular liking to rock, but this song passed my filters for a good song to listen over and over. The animation is Gundam-ish, but the pink-short-haired girl and the white-short-haired girl captured my attention, and it seems that they're siblings, not sure if they're twins or not. But who cares?

Some parts of the animations are the same though, but since it's said to be fanmade, it's quite good. I mean, a fan who made a PV in 3D? That's new. I thought that this guy must be crazy for making vids like a pro and made this for free XD

I'll give 9.5 out of 10 for this :3 if the broken English are fixed and there are no repetitions, it will be perfect. Haha, a word from a fan who is asking too much.

Oh right, need the MP3? I uploaded it in Mediafire

Corruption Garden

Corruption Garden -instrumental-

Another post for the lyric will be posted soon.

Happy watching!